Drug addicts, some of them don't want to be addicted by drugs but they can't stop it. Not doing it from the first place is the best way. Do you know a recent study found that six percent of 12th graders reported past year abuse of cough or cold medicines to get abused by drugs?
Signs and symptoms of abuse may include:
Short-term effects
Impaired judgment, nausea, loss of coordination, headache, vomiting, loss of consciousness, numbness of fingers and toes, abdominal pain, irregular heartbeat, aches, seizures, panic attacks, psychosis, euphoria, cold flashes, dizziness, and diarrhea.
Long-term effects
Addiction, restlessness, insomnia, high-blood pressure, coma, or even death.
For more details about drugs you can go to http://theantidrug.com/drug_info/prescription_dangers_otc_drug.asp
Friday, May 9, 2008
How to learn the symptoms of drug?
Labels: drug, symptoms, symptoms of drug
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Anxiety equal to trauma?
How do you control your anxiety? Some people with severe panic attacks are rushed to the hospital because those around them assume they are having a heart attack. Anxiety may develop at any age in a human’s development. Many times when it develops in adults it is following some type of trauma. This is often referred to as post traumatic stress disorder. This disorder is quite complex and takes a different approach than dealing with the treatment of anxiety. For them anxiety is one of many complicated symptoms.
Keep in mind that, the treatment of mood disorder is always difficult and it requires several different stages. If you suffer from severe anxiety, the first stage is to get your symptoms under control, the administering of medication. If you go see the doctor, he/she will give you some sedatives and an antidepressant that would help treat your anxiety. This would somewhat alleviate your symptoms and get you into a space where you could be responsive to therapy.
However, you musn't depend too much on the pill to control your anxiety. You see, treating anxiety with medication helps you suppress the symptoms, but it does not address the underlying causes. Most anxiety panic disorders stem from some psychological factor. Maybe there was something about you that was making you have severe anxiety attacks, and it was important to get to the root of it.
Luckily, the treatment of stress and anxiety doesn't only consist of therapy. There were a lot of other practical steps that you could take to help treat your anxiety more effective. Through exercise, meditation, hypnosis, and maintaining a healthy social life, you could keep your anxiety at low level on your daily basis.
Finally an apple can throw away a doctor. err..am i right? lol. just kidding!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Funny suprise
Just watch it for fun. Do it at your own risk.
Labels: funny, release stress, release tension, suprise, video
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Ask away!
I'm sure you already heard the old saying, "If you don't ask, you don't get!"?
Maybe you think it's for a small kid doing that's why too many of us are afraid to ask for the things we need in order to succeed in life. Asking questions can open doors and bring to us the opportunities that without doubt are already out there. So why do we find it so hard?
The chances are that if you went to a good school you were always encouraged to ask questions. If you didn't quite understand what the teacher was telling you the only way to get it was to ask the meaning. But maybe as a child it's easy to say you don't understand and accept that you don't know something. Then it's easy to do something about it, ask for help and find the solution.
But sadly as we get older we stop asking! Maybe it's because we feel that as adults we should know what things mean and how to do them and so we don't want to appear foolish, particularly in front of our friends, family or work colleagues.Or perhaps we have just stopped caring enough to want to learn new things and gain new experiences. It's sad, because when you do start to ask you usually start to get!
Sure, we all ask for things every day. We have to when we go shopping, go to the cinema, or go to a restaurant. But we only ask for the simple things!
Take that last example. When you go to a restaurant and see something on the menu that is unfamiliar do you ask the waiter what it is? Congratulations if you do, but most people will simply pass it over and stick with what they know. That's an opportunity lost!
And how many times, when in conversation with a group of people has something been mentioned that you don't understand? Instead of saying so and asking for an explanation it's so easy to just stay quiet and stay ignorant. Another chance wasted!
It's true isn't it? You just don't want to appear foolish. Therefore you must ask whatever you want.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Do you like journaling?
Do you know journaling is a great way to deal with chronic stress? Let me tell you, it is one of the most powerful tools for self growth and can help you release negative emotions, clear confusion and sort out puzzling or traumatic events.
The best way to begin is to set a time to write down whatever thoughts and feelings pop into your head. Your journal can be used to reflect on the events currently affecting you that are particularly traumatic or overwhelming. It can also be used to process other things, such as dreams, childhood events, and long and short term goals.
Research has shown that writing not only about your feelings but also your thoughts about your feelings is more helpful than just venting your feelings. In other words, write from both an emotional and an intellectual angle.
Don’t worry about spelling or grammar. The purpose of what you’re doing is to relieve stress and release pent up emotions, not to cause yourself more stress by censoring your own writing. Keep what you’ve written private. If you think privacy is an issue, keep it under lock and key. If you’re journaling on a computer, create a password to protect your file.
A journal can be written on lined or plain paper, in a special bound book or a plain spiral notebook, in your diary book or you can use a computer. The important thing is to make a commitment to write for 10-20 minutes each day if you can. Schedule a time to write, whether it’s first thing in the morning or last thing before you go to bed, preferably a time when you’re free from interruptions. Experiment with writing at different times of day and in different locations.
Don’t think of journaling as a chore. If you miss several days of writing, simply pick up and write again when you can. Chances are the more you practice journaling, the more you will look forward to it. Your journal can be thought of as a friend who is always willing to listen. In a journal you have the freedom to express deep emotions that you may not be able to share with anyone. No one will be affected by what you write.
If you review what you’ve written over time, you’ll be able to see your own growth. If you’re processing a traumatic event, you’ll be amazed to see how far you’ve come and how much you’ve healed.
Journaling is a lot less expensive than most other methods of stress relief. It’s a great tool for self-knowledge and emotional healing. Like other healthy habits, you will improve with practice, and the benefits you attain from journaling will build the more you work on this life-changing habit.
Labels: journal, journaling
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Just laugh!
Just laugh when you stress but how? To minimize your stress, it’s the best medicine. Stress is almost always relieved when someone says something funny. Laughter helps buffer everything from fear to stress to serious illness.
Norman Cousins claimed that laughter saved his life. He was diagnosed with having ankylosing spondylitis and had a one in 500 chance of survival. His two part therapy program included huge amounts of ascorbic acid and laughter. He found that his pain would go away while he watched Marx brothers’ movies. He recovered completely.
Laughter works by producing endorphins that relieve pain and also affect the emotional state of a person. Therefore laughter can reduce stress. There is no specific single one stress reliever, but a huge range of practices that complement each other, and which can be used together. Exercise, relaxation, nutrition, laughter, time management, meditation, sleep, massage are just some of the effective ways a person can relieve stress.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
What is hostility?
If you are stress right now, beware of the hostility. Hostility is one of the worst. Hostility not only makes you miserable, but it might just kill you. There are some correlations between hostility and disease risk factors.
Hostility can be related to:
1. Increased cholesterol levels.
2. Increased tendency to smoke.
3. Increased tendency to drink and drunk.
4. Greater physical reaction such as higher blood pressure and heart rate.
It all boils down to worse health. Not all hostility research agrees, and non hostile people also end up with heart disease and unhealthy habits. Perhaps we’ll eventually discover that underlying health problems existed before the hostility surfaced.
In the meantime, one of the best things a hostile person or any stressed person can do is exercise. For the person with a really bad attitude, aerobic exercise defuses a hostile personality, making the person less reactive to stress.
A few tips for hostile person:
1. Take a walk or do weight training.
2. See the humor in situations.
3. Empathize, putting yourself in your antagonist’s place.
4. Put situations in perspective. Will today’s problem seem so important in a month?
5. Don’t hold grudges.
6. Share your feelings with caring family members and friends.
7. If your hostility is extreme, consider professional counseling.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Memory Improvement Through Self Hypnosis
Most people are quite afraid of the prospect of being under the control of another person and so they are reluctant to be hypnotized. That's why most people shudder when they hear the word 'hypnosis'. They relate the word to a situation where a hypnotist gets to make people, who are plucked from a show audience, to do all sorts of stupid things like clucking and strutting around like a chicken.
You can however control your own hypnosis and through self hypnosis you can help yourself in so many ways. For example self hypnosis can help you stop smoking, stop negative thinking, can also help you control outbreaks of depression and it can also assist with your memory improvement.
Memory improvement through self hypnosis can be achieved by breaking down the mental blockages that are hindering you from adequately remembering things. First off you must master the art of self hypnosis. Then, once you are able to engage in self hypnosis you will be able to control a wide variety of problem areas and can go about correcting them (including your memory capabilities).
There are various DVDs, videos and audio tapes that are able to purchase that can guide you through the process of self hypnosis. They vary in content but generally they will give you a step by step instruction in the art of relaxation which is one of the keys to mastering self hypnosis. Once you are in a relaxed state you will then be able to direct your subconscious to improve your memory.
Take Yourself Into A State Of Total Relaxation
If you would like to trial the process before going out and buying DVDs or manuals on the subject here is a simple way to try self hypnosis. To start the process of memory improvement through self hypnosis, firstly you must close your eyes and relax your body completely. You should breathe deeply and methodically until your heart beat slows.
If you are having trouble relaxing, why not imagine that you can control each and every part of your body. You tell each individual part of your body to relax beginning with your toes all the way to your head. Once you feel that you are in a relaxed state, count down backwards from twenty to zero. It helps to imagine you are standing at the top of a staircase and each time you count you see yourself walking down the staircase. By the time you reach zero and you have reached the bottom of the staircase you should be in a strong enough trance to begin working on your memory improvement through self hypnosis.
Commanding Yourself
You can begin to improve your memory by self hypnosis once you are in a completely relaxed and hypnotic state. All you really have to do is repeat to yourself that you want to improve your memory. You instruct your mind that whenever you hear or read something you will have no problem retrieving that information when you need to. You can also tell yourself that all of the blockages you are experiencing which contribute to keeping you from remembering things will dissolve away. This is a great way to improve your memory and it really works
When you engage in self hypnosis and you begin speaking to yourself, you are speaking to your subconscious. This is how hypnotists are able to get you to do things you normally would not do because they are able to access your subconscious mind. For self hypnosis to be most effective you must truly believe that it is possible to use self hypnosis in a positive and helpful way and believe that it works. This belief and acceptance are the most important steps in this entire process.
Once you master the art of self hypnosis and start to apply it on a regular basis you will begin to remember more than you ever imagined possible. So why not lie down, close your eyes, breathe rhythmically and begin your journey of memory improvement through self hypnosis now.
Labels: hypnosis, memory, self hypnosis